The last day of November.
In contrast to yesterday's bright and warm sunshine, dawn showed the house and the rest of east Kent shrouded in thick fog. We could not see over the dip to the rest of the village, even looking across the street was hard. We turned the heating on, and I sat down to watch MOTD before cranking up the grill more more bacon madness.

We had received an urgent message from Jools' Dad regarding computer problems. So, we go over at half ten, and I switch his laptop on and do a quick virus check, bringing up 300 in twenty minutes. Hmmm. I start a deeper scan, and get another 300 or so, and still IE win't run without getting multiple script errors. After three hours all we can do is offer is that they are going to have to use Chrome instead of IE, until we can come back and try to fix it again. I am guessing that the problem could be that one of the most visited sites is pornhub, which I guess is a database as to where the nearest pornbroker shops are.
That must be it.
Back home for lunch.
And then for more football on the radio. With the mist it seems right that we are doing so little. I mess around on the computer, Jools does beading and outside darkness falls.
For dinner I cook steak, which as ever is a triumph.
The day peters out into evening and onto night with little of anything really achieved, but we are pooped from all the excitement.
And now a week in the UK ahead, no travelling. No hotels. No Christmas beer.
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