Thursday 4 December 2014

Thursday 4th December 2014


Days are running out in the year.

I say that as before the 20th I have to squeeze in a trip to Denmark and a five day trip to Germany; both for work of course. And so the past few days has seen me trying very hard getting confirmation of the work I have to do with the customer when we get there.

What it has meant, as I found out on Thursday, is that I have to give up two Sundays for travel, part of being management I suppose. But working at the weekend, that hasn't happened since the survey days. Of course it is easy to say travel is not work, it might now be 'work' but then I'm not relaxing either! Anyway, I leave for DK on Sunday, returning on Thursday, three days home before I jet off to Germany. Then it should be Christmas. If I am lucky, we shall see.

Anyway, Wednesday was another day working from home, updating spreadsheets, attending meetings, writing mails, drinking coffee and trying to ignore the cats when I am in meetings.

In other news, Madonna has been getting out her norks, again. I mean what do we say? I may have mentioned this in a previous post. I can't remember, being at home makes it hard to tell one day from another. Well, in real news, Gideon released his autumn statement, more like a mini budget, in which he told us he has totally failed to tackle the deficit, but he and the tory press skimmed over that picking up on the reduction in stamp duty to further overheat the housing market. Word on the street is there are hundreds of billions of cuts yet to be announced, with the break up of the health service a near-bang-on certainty if the Tories win the next election, more benefits cut, legal aid cut to almost zero, tax cuts for the rich, blaming immigrants for everything. The usual Tory lies and bluster with most of Fleet Street backing them up. The fact is most benfits, apart from pensions, go to those in work who do not get a living wage and so need state help to be able to live. Hard working poor people, but what is called, and unchallenged, as skivers.

Aaah, I give in. I really despair of this country, everybody seems so selfish, caring only for themselves and not for those less fortunate than themselves. Fighting over cut price TVs, whilst the sick, the infirm, the disabled and the aged have their benefits cuts, because those nasty bankers bankrupted the country, but they can't pay or they'll go and work for some overseas bank, so they have to have their 100% bonuses. So much so that the British Government tried to challenge a ruling on limiting bankers pay. Whilst the poor starve. Sickening.

The evening was spent listening to Wittertainment, then football. Then it was bed time.

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