Another day, another day working from home.
Oh yes, this is the life, a cup of coffee waiting for me as I walk down the stairs, Jools rushing around to be out of the house before the worse of the traffic, and me, and me just sitting around in my dressing gown, drinking coffee looking at the newspaper headlines and generally happy with my lot.
I switch the computer on at half seven, and already the e mails are pouring in, but I bat them back: ding, ding ding, all out of the ballpark to become SEPs.
What are SEPs I hear you cry, well, an SEP can run for years on just a new set of batteries and a fresh cup of tea. So, there you go.
Anyway, the day passes: I have breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses and an early lunch as I am feeling peckish. And there is a fridge full of food, and the larder from which to graze from. There is a loaf of BBQ flavoured bread. I ask you, who thought that was ever a thing? Bread with the flavour of BBQ. Well, I ate half, toasted with lashings of butter, and it tasted like bread with an odd flavouring. Not bad, but not something I would want to try again, but there you have it. BBQ bread.
Other exciting news of the day was that the kettle died, or maybe someone killed it. I thought I saw a figure on the grassy knoll in the back garden. It died after making me one last cuppa and would not boil again. And so has gone to silicon heaven with all the toasters and irons. Bless. I did prepare a crime scene picture, just in case......

The afternoon passes and the cats wake up at three, thinking it is five and about high time they should be fed. I ignore them because like me, ha! they're on a diet as Scully now weighs five and a half kilos, and Mr Vet says she has to lose weight. And as we have three cats it means all cats have to go on a diet. That's gone down well.
Evening comes, and I switch the laptop off and actually go to do a session on the cross trainer. I would have done one on Monday but my i pod was flat, and you don't really expect me to pump lard without chunes do you? Of course not.
The evening brings football on the radio, which is good news, at least for me, and for Norwich as we're not playing, so that's three days unbeaten now.
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