Another day of rest.

And no football to watch in the morning, it being one of the rare days these holidays without a game, we start of with a coffee, bacon sandwiches and more coffee. Then, what to do?

Well, the sun is shining, there is a breeze, so why not go for a walk. Why not indeed? Looking in the fridge, we see there is few vegetables left, and as we wanted to have turkey roast for the third time in four days, and we were running out of milk, best we go shopping. And the easiest thing would be to walk to the shop, get supplies, then strike out for the cliffs.

Which is what we did, but as we had left out our walking boots on the patio the previous evening, and the rain had given them a real soaking, we had to wear our alternative footwear; and for me it was an old pair of safety boots. Which although did not look to good, did the part, but then had little tread left, so I would be slipping and sliding on muddy banks.

We walked down Station Road, and up the other side to the shop, where all they had were carrots. So we bought carrots. And milk. The had to carry them on the rest of the walk of course. We took an different path out of the village, and across the fields, getting back along The Droveway, then across the downland to Dover Patrol, where it was blowing a hooly. Amazing that it could have been only breezy back home, but here it was like standing behind a jet engine. It was cold, but also wonderful. Down below waves rolled in to the rocks at the feet of the cliffs as it was low tide. A couple of ships were taking shelter in the lea of the Goodwin Sands, and a few hardy dogwalkers were taking the air along the clifftops.

We turned for home, as clouds rolled in, making the light change over the countryside from minute to minute. Near home we came across a friendly horse, and we ended up feeding him over half the carrots. We did have peas and sweetcorn, so we would not go hungry.

Back home, the full afternoon of football was about to get under way, so after a coffee and a couple of pieces of shortbread, I settled down to see how the games would go. Sadly, City failed to follow up their thrashing of Millwall by slipping to a poor 2-1 defeat at Reading, same old story with a lack of concentration coming to the fore once again.
I cooked turkey roast again: well, warmed up some more turkey, cooked roast potatoes, Yorkshire Puddings and steamed vegetables once again. All lovely stuff, and washed down by a bottle of 33 year old wine from Mum's, which was OK, but strong and sweet,. I had one and a half glasses and left it at that.
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