Tuesday 4 August 2015

Tuesday 4th August 2015


And crashing the party like that bottle of Retsina you have been passing around your group of friends for years, Monday comes back round again to you. In fact, among my friends at school, it wasn't booze, we were only 13 or 14, but a copy of ELO's The Light Shines on Vol2. It stunk. But then was like over eight years old or something, so was made my old dudes. Old dudes with beards, and before Jeff found his touch. Anyway, every Christmas and birthday, it worked its way round our circle of friends, and with me being the youngest in my school year, it stopped with me. Mum did have it, but I think it went to the old radiogram in the sky a few years back when she tried to clean some of the old junk in her house out to leave room for new junk.

See, I'm not bitter about it at all.

Anyway, where was I. Oh yes, Monday.


Here comes the sun So, why not begin the day with a meeting about Key Point Indicators. Yes, why not indeed. Not as dull and yawn inducing at it seems, actually, a good exercise. Only problem for me is that it begins at eight Danish time, which is an hour early for us in England, so I am sitting at the dining room table, listening to the discussions going on. But after 40 minutes we are free and I am able to have breakfast, another coffee and get dressed. Just in time for hungry cat 1 and 2 to come in, saying that they have not been fed in like, forever.

I feed them. And work continues, much the same way it does when I work from home, mainly staring out the window at the sunshine until the computer chimes at me letting me know another mail has arrived.

I look in the fridge and freezer for some inspiration for lunch. None found, I decide to defrost a tub of something, hope its chili, boil some rice and eat that. Only the frozen lump seems to contain bacon. I have no idea what it is. I hope it is still chili, but it won't be with bacon. After it defrosts, I warm it through, cook a little rice, add some herbs and spices, mix it up and serve in a bowl. I am still not sure what the food is. But later when I describe to Jools she says it was hearty soup she bought for me during the winter. Well, it was nice enough with rice and lots of ground pepper.

Insect magnet The day passes and turns to evening. I dish up the remaining pasta salad, aubergine and a Scotch Egg each. And dinner is prepared. Not bad even if I say so myself. I have some wine, which is mighty good.

Just before we go to bed, we go out into the back garden to watch the International Space Station pass over: I think we saw it the night before, but anyway. We stand looking west at ten twenty-five, and there coming towards us, then over us, was a single point of bright light, the ISS. It takes about three minutes to pass over us and away into the east, not making a sound. That done, we head up the stairs to bed, another day done. And still fighting the good fight.

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