For those of you who do not like sport, I should perhaps warn you that the football season begins on Saturday, so you might want to give the last paragraphs of my posts for the days after matches a miss. Just so you know. And, I guess, a word about Le Tour which finished ten days ago: I did not write a word about it, mainly because we were away fro the most of it, but as I have stated in past years, sitting in front of the TV for three weeks at the height of summer seems a bit silly. Not that I did not enjoy those days, the sport and the landscape. But, time moves on. Saying that, good to see a Brit win again, Chris Froome again. But with allegations of doping, he was spat at twice, although there was no proof. Can cycling ever be clean? If a rider is so good, those who trail in their dust will mutter 'drug cheat'? Hmmm, tough one.

But for now, he won, and France has not had a winner in like for decades, so pooh pooh.
Anyway, other than the usual work related stuff, I did learn yesterday that grape and grain do not mix, but more of that in a bit.....
And another day in paradise as they say.

And as with working from home, when Jools leaves for work, I switch the work computer on, check for mails, then go and make another pot of coffee and have breakfast whilst the Radcliffe and Maconie show burbles away in the background, and each cat comes in one at a time to inform me that meow, they really have not been fed, and cannot find their food even though it is exactly where it normally is.
Another day, then.
The day passes.
I have yet more pasta salad for lunch as well as corn on the cob, which was very good indeed.
And into the afternoon I am sent more documents for review and comments. Which is nice.

At four I decide enough is enough, so pack up and grab the ol' cameras for a quick walk along the lane to the pig's copse and back. I really should have walked more, but I had to be back to prepare dinner and all that stuff. So, across the fields full of broad beans nearly ready for harvest. It is as dry and a dry thin out on the downs, but with the breeze really getting up, it don't feel very warm at all. And due to the wind, there are no butterflies about, so I just walk to the copse only to find them sleeping through the warmest part of the day.
I had made smoked garlic foccacia bread to go along with the insalata caprese, which should have been good. It was great, but upon returning from the walk, I popped a beer, and then during dinner I finished off the bottle of wine. All was well until after I had a shower, I came over all tired and decided to have a lie down. And that is the last I remember until half two. Man, I must have been tired, but the wine tipped me over. And I ended up with over 10 hours sleep. Feel like a million bucks today, mind!
Don't worry about missing watching the Tour de France, I did it for you - even took some leave so I could fit it all in around my rides. I rode 80km on most of my days off then got home and watched it, having recorded it on my Sky box. Booked my leave earlier this week for the Rio 2016 Olympics too - but .... it is no where exciting as it sounds. I take the leave to watch the Olympics on TV at home and fit it in and around my bike rides.
I guess I am just not that dedicated any more. In fact I watch so little sport now, especially live stuff, I like the radio so I can mess around on the computer instead. Just as well as most sport you have to pay for these days.
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