And so to the final day of the working week. And once again, strong north easterly winds, a nor'easterly if you like, kept sweeping dark rainclouds to the south east corner of Engand, and as we are the southeastern corner of southeatern England, it meant another grim, grey and drizzly day outside. And another one in which I did not venture more than ten yards from the house.
Jools left me with the cats, Mulder already clearly bored with another day of house arrest picking on Scully even before I was dressed. So there was me chasing a black downstairs and me in just my dressing gown. Situation normal, then.
Potato week still in full swing in Denmark, therefore I wait for the avalanche of mails which failed to arrive. My friend, Gary, comes round at lunchtime, so we chat about photography for an hour or so. He is just back from his holiday, and had a great time, snapping nature and stuff in The New Forest.
When I check my private mails, I find that I have an inquiry to buy one of my shots. Mentioning payment upfront: how much do I want? Now, what do you say, thirty grand? 30p? I say 20% of their clients budget is normal, this is thanks to some great feedback via someone on Facebook. They offer me £70, will I accept that? Heck, yes? Oddly enough, it is of a fine building, but the shot in itself is average, so it goes to show you can never tell what will sell. Here is is:

I cook chorizo hash for dinner, which I am just finishing as Jools arrives back home at five. So we tuck into a fine dinner, with beer/cider as is out want. Whilst we ate, we listened to the new Absolutely Radio Show, which has been a bit hot and miss, not really hitting the highs of the TV series from what, 20 years ago? But is funnier than most stuff on the radio these days.
A good day is ended in fromt of the TV; Mastermind, Gardener's World and then the history of the single. Not a bad end all in all.
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