Tuesday 20 October 2015

Tuesday 20th October 2015


Aah, Monday morning, there you are. Is it that time already? So it seems.

Outside rain steadily falls, there is a brely a hint of light on the eastern horizon, but when dawn comes, it seems embarrassed to illuminate the grimness of the weather. Jools leaves for work at half six, leaving me with the day stretching out before me. With the nightmare on Tyneside yesterday, I decided not to tape MOTD,so there was no football to catch up on. I listen to to the radio, make another coffee and get ready for the day.

Apparently, potato week is stretching into a fortnight, as mails were slow in coming in, and having caught up, I sit, poised over the computer ready to deal with any grenades thrown over the wall to me.

One of the main problems of working from home, is the ready availability of food around the house.I have Bran Flakes for breakfast, oatcakes at ten and ham sandwich at half twelve with some fruit mixed in as well. I decide that I would go on the cross trainer before the day was out.

So, with the daylight fading, I search out my old trainers and go to the spare room for some phys. I strap on the i pod, select a good selection and begin pumping lard. If nothing else, it gets the blood pumping, and in fact I do enjoy the short session. Just 20 minutes for this week, but I plan to build it up.

That is the plan, whether that is what really happens is another thing.

I prepare breaded chicken and corn for dinner, but break too easily when a beer to go along with it is mentioned. But, I did do some phys!

The evening settles down, and ends with us watching the final part on the documentary about Celts, the final showdown by Boudica. The final showdown, The Battle of Watling Street, meant that Briatin had a Roman furture, rather than a Celtic one. But still, in Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, our Celtic roots linger on.

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