Saturday 17 September 2016

Friday 16th September 2016

All good things come to an end. And bad thins also come to an end. In time. Anyways, the long hot late burst of summer that all of Western Europe has been basking in ended on Thursday night; clouds rolled in, and there was rain in the air before we went to bed. And by morning, although the rain had stopped, the weatherman promised us 24 hours of the stuff from just after breakfast.

Jools leaves for work, and due to issues, I am working away at seven in the morning. Don't ask.

Anyway, at least his means the day passes quickly: breakfast, mid morning coffee, elevenses, lunch, brunch, afternoon tea. Phew. What with the traveling, I am seeing spots in front of my eyes, but I plough on. What a little trooper I am.

Summer has flown Outside the clouds thickened just before nine, and it hammered down all day. At one point I took a shot out the back door showing the rain falling so hard it was like fog. The cats look mournfully out fo the windows, and sleep most of the day. Just like it will be until spring now I guess.

At four I am done, but then at six I remember I have more mails to send. With the Friday Free for All on the radio, I fire off those, and it is the weekend. And if I'm lucky most of next week off.

With the radio blasting out, I cook chorizo hash, and open a bottle of 10% Trappist Quadrupel beer. Man, that was a mighty fine beer, but a 70cl bottle meant I was drinking it most of the evening too, and so stuggling hard to keep my eyes open.

Outside the rain falls steadily; our water buts are full, and the cats are inside. Molly lays beside me and falls blissfully asleep with her paws on my leg. Bless. We watch double Monty before our legs take us upstairs to bed. Outside the rain still falls.

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