Not that we were broke or anything, but 33 days since the last one, and lets just say things were stretched. Anyway, we're minted now, which is nice.
And it is Friday, last day of the working week. I am home, I have cats, tea, and central heating, so all is good. I mention the heating because it is darn cod here. Not really cold, but there has been a week where the temperature has barely risen above freezing, you need the heating on most of the time just to keep it warm, otherwise it takes 6 hours to warm the place up. Once we are up, and the heating switches on, it feels like a fridge, so I wear a t short and a work shirt just for the additional layer.

I had work to do, so made a second coffee and got down to it.
There is little in the house for lunch; I find some chili in the freezer, in a bag. Ten minutes in the microwave and the ball of red ice is a piping hot meal. Amazing. And I was tempted to have either a beer or glass of wine with it, but that would not be wise on a work day, when there was more work to be done. So I have squash and catch up on the news headline, which, not to too fine a point on it, have been horrendous, like a car crash, and all those who said Trump would mellow in office I hope y'all choking on those words. It seems out only hope is he will get bored, or too annoyed at those who speak out against him. His gripe this week was with the media who reported that the crowds for his inauguration were well down on Obama's. They were just reporting facts. Lying media, apparently. As it is bound to be in these post-truth, alternative fact days.

About that £350million a week?
Jools came home at three, we had a coffee then rounded up the twins as they needed their jabs. Always a challenge, but we did it with both asleep on the beds upstairs. Quick as a flash, they're in their baskets, and we're taking them to the car and then onto the vet's as quick as possible so Mulder's bowels don't give up. As its just a ten minute drive, Jools is ok, and is back home within the hour. THey vet's have new premesis; a special waiting room for cats, and Simon's cat videos playing.
My allergy attack subsides through the afternoon, to the point at dusk when I was breathing clearly. In order not to trigger a further attack I had skipped a shower on Thursday, but needed on on Friday. I tried to use as little shapoo and shower gel when I did, but within an hour I was sniffing and coughing again. Not as bad, but still. Bugger.

In the evening we watch another documentary, this time on Florence, and a reminder of how wonderful if would to go back. Now I have enough BA points for nearly eight return trips in Europe..... I see a plan forming.
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