With not going to bed until near two the night before, we did lay in bed until gone eight in the morning. And looking out of the bedroom wndow, we felt like going back to bed for the day, as there was thick fog with light drizzle falling. And the forecast was for it to get only worse.
After coffee. nursing my sore head after three tumblers of Rumtopf the night before, it was clear that only bacon would do for breakfast. We put the radio on, listening to music, so the morning began to pass.
Outside the rain fell harder and the fog remained.

As well as cooking, I found time to strain and bottle the Rumtopf, change the oil in the fryer, and generally tidy up. Looking good.
Anyway, the evening was filled with Sherlock. Some of them have been good, others not so, and with the BBC giving it blanket advance publicity, we toyed with the idea of not watching it at all. But we did, and was good.. In places, but really was unsatisfying, and is in danger of disappearing up its own backside. Oh well.
And so we went to bed at a sensible time for a change, just after ten.
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