Sunday 15 January 2017

Saturday 14th January 2017

I wish I could say that I used the day off in a useful and fruitful manner. But that would be a lie.

However, doing nothing other than letting time slip through our fingers is exactly how we would want to spend the day. We could have gone out, it was a still and bright, sunny day. But it was cold, and it turned out that we were downright lazy. Or tired Take your pick.

After getting up and having a coffee, I went to Tesco to stock up on fruit and vegetables. The car park is an ice rink, and it was interesting to avoid those arriving in their onesies and slippers as they slithered about the place. Fruit, vegetables and curry powder bought. I make a quick escape for more people are about.

Fourteen Back home I pack the shopping away, make another coffee and warm through four croissants. And that was about as exciting as it got.

We did assemble two new water butts for the shed, joining them together so we get double the amount of water saved. Jools installs it, while I listen to the radio, I mean its a hard job, but someone has to do it.

After cheese and wine for lunch, I snoozed on the sofa while the football played out. Or the early game anyway. And from three City fans at home and at the game went through the oh too familiar pain losing 2-1 to Rotherham; a team who were rock bottom of the league, until along came Norwich.


I make boiled chicken, bacon and rice for dinner, which as I have said before, is much better than it sounds. Right after, we went to the sofa to watch last week's episode of Sherlock, which was quite good if I'm honest. It bollocks, but good bollocks.

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