Friday 13 January 2017

Monday 9th September 2017

And Monday comes round again, which shows that the naming of the days of the week is correct.

I don't feel like getting up, but have to really. I mean they ay me and all that, and anyway, I have today working from home before working in Oostende for the rest of the week, so just get on with it

Jools has fed the cats and made coffee, so we all sit and watch the rain falling on the windows, meaning it was going to be a long dull day.

Jools leaves, so I make a second coffee, have breakfast and think about work, but not too hard So, just after eight, I switch on the works computer and begin trawling through the inbox, even if Miss Molly thought that by laying on the computer or my mouse mat, it might distract me. She was right, but there is nothing more distracting when you're in a meeting, trying to be serious, and there is a cat licking my hand wanting to be fed/stroked or whatever meow means.

I mean I could go on about how banal the day becomes, but that would be dull for me writing, and you reading.

The day slowly passes, and all the time there was a machine waiting for me. And I had been putting that moment off for a week. But hey

One last meeting to have at the end of the day, then I could switch off the computer, and the hire car already had been delivered, it meant my date with destiny. Or the cross trainer.

I had been meaning to start last weekend, then on Monday, or Friday when I came home from Denmark. Or Saturday Sunday was out because of the severe case of "head" So that brought me to Monday, and start of the phys. Nine My i pod was charged, I selected a playlist, and after taking the shot for the day, off I went.

I did 16, nearly 17 minutes.

And that would do for the first day. It was a start, but then was also a start.

And in order to celebrate the fact that I had started the new fitness regime, I cracked open a beer whilst I cooked. IN fact, a major celebration was called for, as the project reached a major milestone on Monday. It generated it's first power. This really is more important and impressive than it sounds, it means that after three years negotiations and work, we and the customer had achieved something.

I cooked breaded chicken and cous cous. Perfect as the coating on the chicken was that Japanese stuff available from Sainsbury's, and perfect if cut up and dipped in sweet chilli sauce. I might not know much, but I know how to roll.

And that was your day: some good, some bad, and a small celebration. Yay, Monday.

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