Wednesday 27 April 2022

Breaking the Law. Again.

Today, the High Court from the ten Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, broke the law in allowing patients to be removed from hospitals into case homes without testing for COVID.

THis should come as no surprise.

And this is a long way from, say Hancock being held criminally liable for the 20,000 deaths or any death in particular, but the plan was illeagal.

The poor woman who brought the case watched her husband die whilst not being allowed to be by his bedside. He died alone, as did many tens of thousands at the time. And remember, at the same time, Johnson had "turned Downing Street into a frat house", with at least a dozen parties under investigation, and seems highly probably that weekly drinks parties were held every Friday afternoon for over a year.

I suspect the electorate will not move on from this very much at all. No matter how Johnson wants us to.

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