Wednesday 13 April 2022

Tuesday 12th April 2022

Here we are again.

Its amazing how quickly we slip into our old ways.


Setting up the office.


And so on.

And it already only Tuesday. Hardly anyone in Denmark is in, Jools suggests taking Thursday off so I don't go mad. Seems like a very good idea to me.

Back to work It is to be a better day, weatherwise, so I had better go out for a walk.


I had better explain something of how shitty I felt, even three days after returning.

1. Despite recovring from Cellulitis a few years ago, it has left my skin on my shins paper thin and easily torn. On the second or third day last week, I had caught it over and over again with my right foot thanks to dense vegetation, and quite frankly it hurt.

2. On Friday, we had lunch in a place with no rocks to sit on, I sat on the ground, and was bitten to buggery. I itched.

3. A combination of the above and dog tired leg muscles meant I slept poorly and felt run down.

All of that put me in a downbeat mood, and coming back to work after a week of socialising was a real comedown. Jools knew I was down, and little she could do. All I could do was assure it wasn't her.

One hundred and two Which it wasn't.

But the wounds were healing, slowly, and so I hoped this was the start of better days.

Back to the old stomping ground We shall see.

I had made soup with the leftover tagine broth. Added boiled and mashed vegetables and then some rice. And it came out really very nice.

Back to the old stomping ground I had some for lunch, as did Jools.

And then there was work. Just one meeting in which I find another gap to close.

Those left at work are demob happy, and just waiting for the end of Wednesday so they could join their colleagues already on vacation.

Back to the old stomping ground So, I went out for a walk.

I wanted to see what wild flowers had emerged since I was away.

Not many, to be honest. But a walk is never wasted.

I went to the end of the road, over the fields to Fleet House, down past the farm and up to Windy Ridge, stopping at the new bench, which was protected from the moderate breeze.

Back to the old stomping ground Finally, along Green Lane and down past the horses and along Collingwood to home.

I saw a few butterflies, none I could snap, though.

Jools had an appoinment with the physio, so she had asked for cheesy beans on toast, for which I had to make some bread. I made a double sized dough and used to 2lb tin. And in half an hour it was overflowing.

It came out rather well, and is a tall as a shop-bought loaf, but tastes much, much better.

Jools came home, we had dinner and a huge brew. After which she went down the hill to the clinic and I cleared up.

Another day done, and no football to watch either.

I went to bed to read.

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