Tuesday 12 April 2022

Just fined and dandy

Boris Johnson has gone from:

1.There were no parties.

2 All rules and regulations were followed.

3. There were parties, but I didn't go myself.

4. I didn't know they were parties.

5. Receiving fine (s) for attending at least one party.

Quite the journey.

So, there we have it, the Prime Minister has become the first sitting head of Government to have found to have committed a criminal offence.

But he's not alone, as his wife, Carrie Johnson has also been fined.

And the Chancellor has been fined as well.

And for Johnson this comes after giving the Monarch unlawful advice.

And passing legislation to allow his Government to break national and international law, in a limited way. Of course.

Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson, truly worlbeating at something.

Resign, man! Go now.

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