Monday 31 July 2023

Forever culture wars

As I reported about a week ago, one of the apparently defining issues in the Uxbridge by-election, was the expansion of the ultra-low emmissions zone.

This lead forst of all the Labour Party to pressure the Mayor of London to reverse some of that, and now here come the Conservatives, linking diectly the labour Party with Stop Oil protests, and now are planning on going back on net zero commitments made during COP 26 and elsewhere.

Not only that, Sunak says he is going to issue new licesnces for drilling for oil and gas in the North Sea, and is looking into the 2030 ban on manufacturing new petrol and other fossil fuel cars.

All the while, of course, southern Europe and North America are literally burning due to unprecidented heatwaves and wildfires.

All this to win votes of a handul of mouthbreathers who want to drive their 4.2 litre ancient Jags around.

Suppose they gave a culture war and no one came?

Well, if polls are correct, the public want net zero, want to save the environment and planet. Its actually a vote winner.

And would be the right thing to do.

We only have one planet, and we have to save it.

To not at least try would be madness.

All this, of course, coming from a billionaire Prime Minister wh won't use public transport, insteads seems to get around the country borrowing a doners helicopter. Of course the Government will meet its net zero commitments, he lied.

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