Wednesday 26 July 2023

Tuesday 25th July 2023

After the first coffee of the day, while Julie buzzed around inside, I sat on the patio looking at the day beginning over the garden.

Jools was away before six, heading to the pool for her early morning swim. I had a task too: repotting the basil we bought at the weekend.

A few months back I watched a YouTube video on how repotting supermarket bought basil will create lots of smaller, healthier plants that will produce leaves all summer.

Two hundred and six The first attempt did not provide leaves all summer, but as each plant got leggy and bolted, I bought a new pot and transplanted them yesterday.

Sure, they look weedy and all over the place now, but soon each pot will have a healthy, leafy, vibrant plant and produce leaves until into the autumn.

I put them backon the long tray, watered them and put them all on the windowsill next to Nobby the Meercat.

That done I could make a second coffee, log oonto work and begin the task of reviewing the final document before updating the problematic audit agendas. It is now six weeks before I travel and this needs fixing.

So, there went the day. Me working away and swimming against the tide of resistance. By three, I was at the point of deciding, I was right all along.

As usual.

Meanwhile the sun of the morning had turned wet and breezy agan, but not as cold as Monday. But there was no walking to be done, no gardening, just looking out the window as the rain drifted in sheets across the valley behind the house.

Summer rain Kent is one of the driest counties in England, but this year, we have had lots of rain.

At odd times.

January and February were dry, so dry tracks around here had no mud, then March was the wettest ever, or close to it.

April and May, we had a northerly wind that just blew for week on end.

And now, we have rain and two summer gales that are most unusual.

Anyway, after the bright start yesterday, it clouded over and although no thunder again, the clouds threw close to an inch down.

And that was that.

Dinner was choroizo hash, which I decided was worthy to have cracked open the last "spare" bottle of Chimay Grande Reserve 2022. Needless to say, it was all delicious.

I had also made another Crostata Al Limone, which wasn't really for Tuesday as it needed to be chilled, but we had a slice anyway for supper with the last coffee of the day.


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