Wednesday 12 July 2023

Tuesday 11th July 2023

Tuesday. And second day of being the defacto head of global quality. The loneliness of command weighs down on these broad shoulders and all for no extra pay.


But, on the positive side, I am not called into any extra meetings, nothing urgent happens, so I can get on with my main task in hand: reviewing the procedure I helped shape for over a year before being kicked off.

Like the Murphys, I'm not bitter. The person who did the kicking is out of the company, and I'm still here.

So it goes. So it goes.

It is a bright but cool morning, not cool enough to have the door closed in the kitchen, though, so I drink coffee, go to pick raspberries for breakfast, say goodbye to Jools and get ready for work.

One hundred and ninety two At eight, after breakfast, I start the review. Its such a mess I call the current owner if this was what I was supposed to be reviewing. It was.

So, eyes down.

And the task took all day, on and off. I had breakfast. Had lunch. Drank tea. Sat in the garden with Scully a while.

All good stuff.

Once work was done, I bottled the sloe port, just over two and a half bottles. And pretty powerful stuff it is too. Maybe too strong to drink neat. Don't stop me trying some, though.

Double stuffed focaccia I make a stuffed focaccia loaf to go with Caprese for dinner, which, as ever, is wonderful.

We are pretty tired, so I go to bed to read after a shower at eight, reading about Graham Nash and how he left The Hollies, moved to LA, fell in love with Joni Mitchell, joined Crosby and Stills, discovered sex. Whilst his former bandmates thought they did the right thing by playing the working men's club circuit, wearing velvet suits and dickie bow ties, cracking jokes between numbers.

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