Friday 7 July 2023

Thursday 6th July 2023

Another day in paradise.

Work ended on an upbeat note of Wednesday, but come Thursday morning and I realise that the battle I thought I had won was a different battle.

So it goes.

It was another fine, warm and sunny day, one in which I was going to spend most of the day in meetings.


I did go out first thing to pick some raspberries for breakfast, and I was joined my Mulder who helped by meowing.

A lot.

He did, however, look photogenic, so I snapped hime several times for the picture of the day.

One hundred and eighty seven Then back inside to have the fruit with yogurt and nuts along with a fresh brew, and eyes down for a day full of work.

Hours pass as slowly as weeks.

Come three, I get the shears out and clear another area of the lawnmeadow from ox-eye daisies which are now going to seed, hoping that some smaller plants could throve in the additional light.

I work for an hour, clear half the meadow and have filled both bags.

In celebration I have a beer, a Hoegaarden, on the patio to celebrate, having fed the cats first. The sun was behind the house, so the garden in deep and cools shadows.

Dinner was Caprese again, along with the second ciabatta loaf.

We ate like (Italian) royalty.

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