Saturday 4 May 2024

Friday 3rd May 2024

I will skip over details regarding work, though what is happening will be made clear when the time is right.

It was, at least, Friday. And the eve of a three day weekend which I hope will be full or orchids and football.

Work dragged, so it was a relief to switch the laptop off at half one, so when Jools came back I could take the car to go into town for a dentist appointment.

Dentists get a bad rap, and being ex-military I can tell you that civilian dentists have care and compassion as opposed to the butcher I had at Coltishall who seemed to see Junior Ranks as an inconvenience. His piss-poor work with a post cost me $200 the summer I left the RAF.

But my current dentist, a South African called Nickolaas, is top drawer. He saved two teeth last year when they both got chipped. He rebuilt them and the work is still looking good.

I drove into town, past the castle all filled with coaches and schoolkids, down onto Castle Street. Then, once parked, back up the street to the dentist for the climb to the first floor.

One hundred and twenty four A guy in front was having emergency bridge work, so I had to wait half an hour, so I chatted to the receptionist, before being called to climb up to the surgery on the second floor.

Nothing found that needed to be dealt with, so OK for another six months.

With that, forty two quid lighter, I skip down the stairs and back to the car.

With an early morning trip planned for Saturday, it meant going to Tesco on Friday afternoon, so I go up Jubilee Way to Whitfield and to the store, which wasn't too bad at quarter to four.

I rush round filling up with trolley, pay and am out in half an hour.

Back home to unpack, have a brew before it was time for the quiz.

I drew another blank. And then, with Jen back from Oz, we would go to collect John for our traditional Friday night supper and cards.

John has had his cataracts removed, so can now see better, and is in good spirits and form as he has four months stores to regale us with.

Just time for a game of Meld, and John swept the pot as dusk fell, and that was that.

We poured him out of the car outside his house, then drove back home.

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