Friday 17 May 2024

Wednesday 15th May 2017

Summer arrived, if only for a day.

Warm sunshine, light winds and a garden now full of Silver Y moths, and a single Hummingbird hawkmoth.

One hundred and thirty six I spotted it as I did the washing up, so grabbed a camera and dashed out, reeling off 70 shots in little over a minute as it bed on the ornamental sage.

As sure as night follows day, audit reports have to follow audits. And that is where we auditors really spend our time.

Macroglossum stellatarum We know there's something wrong, but what is wrong and can it be linked to a requirement?

That is the question.

I normally have five working days to get this done, but this week I have two, and with the world and his wife, or my boss, looking over my shoulder, the pressure is on.

Macroglossum stellatarum So, Jools leaves for work, I log on to work, get my note book out and find my notes are a bloody word salad. It will take me hours to work out what I wrote and what I meant.

Macroglossum stellatarum This will take some time. And some thinking.

And by the end of the working day I had two pages of conclusion done, and my head throbbing.

But through the day I had gone out into the sunshine, and had seen many butterflies, moths and other insects. And of the Hummingbird hawkmoth, I took many shots.

Macroglossum stellatarum I also made focaccia bread through the day. I now know how to make it perfect, leaving an hour between the pull and folds, and another hour or two before the final baking.

Coenagrion puella This was to go with the Caprese I prepared with a sharp knife, and for a change, no blood spilt.

We eat well, and with fresh basil added, its a fine and tasty meal.

For the evening, there was football Man Utd v Newcastle, and much better game than we or the Old Trafford Army deserved. I sat with Scully to watch, but she slept through the 5 goal thriller.

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