Friday 10 May 2024

Thursday 9th May 2024

I have good days and bad days with my knee. But I also know that I need to keep going out to make the joint and ligaments stronger. And then overdoing it will bring pain.

One hundred and thirty Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

Thursday was a holiday in Denmark and across most of Europe, just not here. So, it would be a quiet day whatever.

To make matters worse, it was a glorious day: no more early morning mist lingering into the afternoon, no straight with the sunshine and warm temperatures.

Here we go again And I had to work.

I would go out at some point, just a question of when, and it turned out just after lunch when I made myself a half batch of fritters and a pint of squash to sup.

Here we go again Then on with the walking shoes and out into the sunshine and early afternoon warmth.

Did I say warmth? It was heat.


And very little wind, which should bring the butterflies out.

Mostly saw only Holly Blues, but a single Small Tortoiseshell and several Orange Tips were all that was seen.

Here we go again Across the fields where there were none of the main species I expected to see in flower, though plenty of leaves, then past the ponies, onto Collingwood and down past Fleet House and the hill to the farm.

The view from the bench Confronted by the long climb up the down to Windy Ridge, was at least shaded by the flowering Horse chestnuts down by the farm. But by the time I reached the bench, I was blowing bubbles, and a rest was long overdue.

Here we go again From the seat you see the sea at the horizon from Ramsgate in the north to Kingsdown, then the other side of Barrow Mount, the sea again looking towards Calais. In the mid and forground was the very edge of England, the ups and downs, valleys and hills of the North Downs.

The joyful song of skylarks filled the air, even if the birds themselves were so high they were lost to sight.

Here we go again After nearly an hour, I got up and finished the climb, turned down Green Lane, only to find a muddy hole big enough for an African Elephant to wallow in, and stretching from bank to hedgerow.

Here we go again I tried to get past, but decided I couldn't, so simply turned round and retraced my steps back down the down to the farm, up the slope to Fleet House and finally along Collingwood to home.

nearly 12,000 steps done, and a very sore knee to show for it, but no torn cartilage either.

Once home, another pint of squash rather than a beer, and then to wat for Jools to come back with battered sausage and chips for our supper. All I had to do was make brews.

No football to watch this time, instead to bed at half eight and hopefully a good night's sleep.

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