Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Another five years story

Five years today, the UK entered its first full day of lockdown, after the press conference held by the PM at seven the previous evening.

This was several days, even a couple of weeks behind most of our European neighbours.

I wrote about COVID most days from the middle of March 2020, and for the next 18 to 20 months. I wrote about the stories emerging that day, and as such it is a historical record, even wthout citations, as even in those early days, I doubted most of what the Government said or did.

Those two wasted weeks let the virus go unchecked, even when pubs and clubs closed, there was days notice given thus allowing more mass transmissions. Thousands, if not tens of thousands of extra people were infected and ended up in hospital, many dying.

Hospitals that had suffered a decade of austerity, had no stock of PPE, and so staff were put at risk on an hourly basis, making do with what they had, in some cases bin liners.

Hundreds of doctors, nurses and other staff were infected like their patients.

THe reality of those days is already being denied by JOhnson and other Conservatives. Its funny how vaccine sceptism was pushed by those who pushed Brexit based on yet more lies. Despite clear evidence of how masking helped slow the spread, copying data from the Spanish Flu outbreak a century before, we now have many who would not have vaccines now, even if there were a new outbreak.

The colossal waste of tax-payer money on defective, or non-existant PE still has not been ivestigated, and the COVID Inquiry, it seems, will not look into this either. Billions lost, and now the Labour Government is talking about more auterity in everything but name, cutting the cost of the care budget, that the old and disabled to you and me.

Bird flu has been detected in sheep in the UK this last week, lets hope that's where it stays. Because otherwise......

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