Sunday 27 June 2021

Hancock: gone

The Health Secretary, now former Heath Secretary, fell on his own (pork) sword yesterday, resigning after there was a deafening silence from his once fellow Cabinet Minsters.

He resigned not because of the 20,000 lives lost when hospitals were emptied back in March last year, untested and sent into the petri dishes that were care homes. Absolute carnage raged, thousands upon thousands died.

Nor has he resigned for his part in the PPE scandal, which was brought out because of the dire shortage at the start of the pandemic causing nurses and other staff to wear bin liners and reuse masks. Hundreds of staff died as a result.

He had to partly resign becasue at the time when he was calling for the public to make sacrifices, not meet family or friends, attend marriages, funerals or be able to say one last farwell to a dying loved one. Matt Hancock was kissing his mistriss, in Whitehall.

The interesting this is that someone else in Government had installed a camera in the Health Ministry, and pictures from that were used to skewer Hancock. Who put in the camera, and who leaked the images and film and what is their ulterior motive?

All played out as tens of thousands of people died, and Hancock and other Ministers were enriching their friends.

A story published today in the Sunday Times suggests that Hancock, but other Government Ministers too, used private e mails so to hide information from the Civil Service and other departments, and so to help cover up any potential inquiry.

Was he sacrificed to drown that story out?

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