Tuesday 20 April 2010

Tuesday 20th April 2010

After a four month weekend, I would have thought time would have flown, what with work and everything. But, work hasn't really begun yet, I finished the induction package this morning, all animation but a little thought provoking. And then settled down to do some important stuff; configure Outlook Express, add some contacts, and then read some procedures.

Lots of procedures.

It sure didn't help that they had no windows open in the office, and the air became stale and I got sleepy. An endless stream of tea did not help much, just needed regular visits to the loo downstairs.

And no excuses to wander into town to gawp at the chavs either. Heck, I even had lunch at my desk, and did another hour of work instead.

Tomorrow, I have a new monitor, keyboard and mouse being delivered by UPS, and I also get to learn the whole procedures of raising and chasing paperwork. My boss came in and was pleased to see me, which is nice.

But not as nice as the agency who came by to drop some paperwork off and brought a box of doughnuts for me to share round the office.

Yay, doughnuts!

And now I'm home, the cats are fed, and I am waiting for Jools to return, and whilst I do wait, I sup a can of Belgian Stella; the birds are chirping outside, I have just put down a load of seed for them, but molly might be on the prowl too. Yesterday she almost caught a pigeon, judging from the number of feathers on the lawn; it probably escaped.

Three days to the weekend!

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