Thursday 3 April 2014

Thursday 3rd April 2014

Not only was Tuesday a massive day for meat work, for Jools it was even more significant, in that it was her first ever day of unemployment. And so round of checking the online job sites for latest vacancies, filling out forms, applications, trimming the CV and the never-ending wild-goose chases we're sent on by the various agencies. So, she does the dance and hears nothing.

But it will work out in the end.

As for me, the IT nightmare goes on and on and on. Systems don't work like they should, or just cannot be found. The day passes very slowly as yet another call to IT goes unanswered or what is wrong is not fixed. The real problem is that next week the changes are even more fundamental, so lets not think too much about that for now.

And all the time the days get longer and the temperatures seem to get warmer. Days beginning with glorious sunrises, thanks in main to the dust blown over from north Africa, which also makes the sunshine appear soft focus and milky.

In the evenings i drive home happy enough that another day has passed. Once home I put on my trainers, power up the i pod and do a session on the cross-trainer. Most evenings, Scully watches me from the comfort of the spare bed, or tries to sleep through my huffing and puffing.

And once its dark, we wait for the badgers, who now come later and later. So late now, it is almost time for bed when their little black and white faces appear, or even we fall asleep to the sound of them munching on peanuts.

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