A journey into the unknown.
Everything changes. Or will next week, until then welcome to IT limbo-land.
Turn the computer on, using the old passwords, open Outlook to check for mails, but DO NOT send any from here. Open up IE, find the webmail, sign in using new password and new e mail address. And, after a pause due to me not being able to read and understand the IT handbook provided, i got in.
And so the day progressed, checking bot e mail accounts, having to create a new e mail signature, and then copy and pasting that in mails from the new account.
Next week we get a new MS Office, with new Outlook and communicator. Oh this is going to be f-u-n.
In fact it really wasn't that bad, it all worked smoothly, but as for finding the shared drive, I left that for another day. Instead I got down to the jobs in hand, KPIs, arranging audits and arranging visas for a business trip to China. Yes, you read that right.

At least the monkeys were out working, so there was some peace and quiet in the office. Which was nice. After poring over spreadsheets for seven hours, my eyes and head hurt, so having created all the lovely graphs and tables, sending them off to my boss. I switched off the computer, loaded the car and headed home. It was three o'clock.

It was a wonderful spring day, the sun shone down through the murky air, and it was warm enough to have both windows in the car open as I cruised home. Once home we pulled on our walking boots and headed out for a brisk walk; so much better to help clear your head after seven hours of spreadsheets.

We walked along to the pig's copse, and then down the dip, up the other side and along the cycle path to the fork, where I took the less-travelled path, well much travelled by me, up towards the cliffs and the Dover Patrol monument. Jools had bailed at the pig's copse, so I walked along, not really intending to go much further, but pressing on.

Fields of oil seed rape stretched out on either side of the path, bringing bright colours to the countryside. Many butterflies were on the wing, but I only managed a shot of a Peacock, but I saw Brimstones, Small Tortoiseshells and a Large White. I made it to the butterfly hedge, but finding it in shade there were no butterflies about, so I decided not to press on to the cliffs and turned round instead.

Once back home i have a pint of squash, not beer! and we sit in the garden so the cats can come round and complain about like it being gone 5 and they had not been fed.
In the evening, I sat down to watch the Man Utd game, playing Beyern in the CL, and Utd managed a 1-1 draw, despite only having 31% of possession. I know Bayern are good, but possession of possession's sake gets dull after a while, and I found myself drawn back to the interwebs before half time.
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