Wednesday 28 February 2018

Turns out that Brexit means Brexit after all

So today, the EU published the DRAFT withdrawal agreement, and it turned out that those who made the agreement back n December didn't realise what they agreed toto, not even our glorious leader Maybot 2.0. No Prime Minister will agree to sign away sovereignty she wailed, but then the fallback position is just that, if there is no other way of doing it, then NI will have to follow SM and CU rules. And if Britain wants to stay in the same union as NO, then, you know, will have to do the same.

This is what happens when rabid Brexiteers are allowed to claim unicorns for everyone without hardly anyone pointing out that making impossible promises was doomed. No, the press cheered them on, and the BBC just went along with it saying the arguments had already been won and lost.

The really odd thing is that despite both parties taking part in the negotiations, UK left the EU to type up the notes. As I now work in business, I can tell you that there is a long and drawn out process for something as simple as minutes of meeting, which have to be written, shared, agreed, updated, possible over and over again. That a text of such importance was left with the EU for 9 weeks, and the first time May or DD saw it was when it was leaked chapter by chapter this morning, revealing bit by bit what had been agreed in order to get the talks to the next stage.

Why didn't UK write their own version, and publish first?

Why didn't May and her Brexiteers realise what they signed up to?

Al the EU did was take May's red lines, statements and came up with a text to match that; Brexit meant Brexit. Who knew? Not May, not DD, not Johnson.

Ireland was always going to be the difficult part, ignoring the warnings meant that it just saved the issue until it became critical. Most Brexiteers still don't get it, how serious the Irish Border is, and how it will be perceived that all Ireland interests were so quickly sacrificed on the Brexit altar. the GFA brought nearly a century of unrest to an end, brought stability and prosperity to not just NI, but to the Republic and rest of Britain too. All thrown away on the Brexit pyre.

The text will change in many places between now and October. In some places massively change, but this is what happens when you put dullards in charge and let then do things for themselves without any grown ups. Fuck the country royally. DD couldn't win a debate with an empty crisp packet, and yet is being trusted to negotiate our and our children's futures, when his approach to the talks are like my 16 year old self's attitude to revising for my physics O level: hope to wing it and scape through.

And then we have the Disgraced former Defence Minister, Liam Fox, whose job seems to jet round the world achieving fuck all as Minister for International Trade, whilst knowing cock all about the subject.

Not knowing what it is your side wants to achieve means that the people on the other side of the table decide your destination for you, and you end up far from where you ought to be.

John Major this evening made an appeal to his former party to ignore their party whips, but to vote for the country and do what is right. Those of us who speak against Brexit do it not out of love for the EU but out of love and pride for our country and not wanting it or its people to be poorer.

Of course, JRM, DD and Johnson and all other Brexiteers claim to be patriots, but when it comes down to it, those at the bottom of society will be the ones worse off thanks to Brexit, who will we blame then?

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