Saturday 27 April 2024

Friday 26th April 2024

And finally, here comes Friday.

But once every four weeks, work treats me with a Friday with u to six hours of straight meetings.

This was such a Friday.

It is hard to gather any kind of enthusiasm with that to look forward to.

Jools left as soon as I got up to got to yoga, and once I had drunk my first coffee, I put the bins out.

And then to work, logging on I had 45 minutes until the meetings started, so I made a second coffee and settled down.

Last meeting of the day was at one, and the others invited had failed to prepare, so that didn't last very long, and when ringing off we agreed that was it for the working week.

Outside, it was sunny and not that breezy, so I would go out for a walk, though not far. I needed to snap something from outside our back garden.

On the road again I just walked along the street, down the track and then over the fields to Fleet House, before turning back along Colingwood and back home.

One hundred and seventeen I did snap a Holly Blue basking in the holly along the track leading to the field.

All the Alexanders were covered in St Mark's Flies. I stop to get some shots of the wee beasties that look like they're wearing cool shades. Bibio marci A few plants in flower, all are snapped before I turn for home.

No adverse effects of the walk, but I took to the sofa and put an ice pack on my knee.

I peeled, sliced, egg and breadcrumbed, then shallow fried two aubergines for our dinner. Its been a while since we had this, and I lost my role as head of the aubergine marketing board.

Bibio marci This is the last Friday without cards, as Jen comes home Monday, so I make the most of the quiz. I plump for Sports by Huey Lewis and the News, but was Eliminator by ZZ Top.

They are both American, I suppose.

And for the evening, the glut of football continued, and Leeds were thrashed 4-0 by QPR, meaning that Leicester were promoted.

So it goes.

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