Wednesday 3 April 2024

Tuesday 2nd April 2024

Tuesday. And back to work after the four and a half day weekend.

All good things must come to an end.

Jools was working all day, so she left just before seven, I set up the office, logged on and found I had no (zero) urgent tasks.

Tulip I made a coffee.

Outside it was a wet morning, but the rain was due to clear soon, which it did, allowing me to go out to snap fresh flowers showing in the garden.

I spent the day stretching and folding focaccia dough, sounds a bit over the top but when the loaf came out as well as it did, it was worth it. As it is, just two or three minutes every half an hour.

Pasqueflower My knee was still sore from the walk in the woods, so no walking done, but its recovery seemed quicker, which I hope. So the lesson is to keep moving, rather than make excuses not to go out.

Fritillaria imperialis Two years ago, I arrived on Rhodes for a week of orchid chasing, which was an amazing experience, of course. My friend is running the trip again this week, and great to see shots taken on social media of locations I knew.

Soon we will be off to Ireland for more orchid chasing, and my UK (and Ireland) orchid adventures will come to an end, unless a new species is found in the years to come.

So, at four I put the bread in to cook, added salt and pepper with rosemary to the top, along with yet more olive oil.

It was glorious.

We ate it with Caprese, which I had seasoned well, and washed down with red wine fresh from the box.

Ninety three Ahem.

And so an evening of listening to football on the wireless and the rain hammering down against the back of the house.

Drip, drip, drop little April showers......

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