Saturday 20 April 2024

Tuesday 16th April 2024

Monday evening, we gathered in the Kro’s restaurant for a special vegetarian meal of Danish food.

Quite a feat as Danes like their meat and fish, but there was a good spread and for us meat eaters, two bowls of meat balls to share.

Munkebo, Denmark I did introduce two of the guys to a local chilli tripel beer at 9.2%, which they agreed was very nice indeed.

We went to bed nice and early, so to be fresh for the workshop in the morning, but to be honest, I had been awake since half two, and with the travel and time in the workshop that afternoon, I was beyond shattered.

Munkebo, Denmark Tuesday morning, and after a good nine hours sleep, I felt much, much better, so after a shower, I met Henrik for breakfast of fresh rolls, Nutella and lashings of strong coffee.

Off to the factory at half eight, and ready for the results of another personality test, which showed I actually had one.

Odense, Denmark Then came discussions. Many, many discussions, either side of lunch and to three, at which point we broke for the “team event”.

Odense, Denmark I followed Henrik in the bus with my colleagues into Odense, parking near the centre, so we could meet the arranger of the event. And it was another of the “escape room” things, this time we were searching for an antidote to a virus. Blah, blah, blah.

Odense, Denmark There were 15 locations to find and riddles to solve. Only my knee made it clear that it had had enough. So, I bailed and found somewhere to sit and have a coffee and while away the two and a half hours the rest were doing to challenge. Only with me not really knowing when they would be done.

Team shot There is only so much coffee one can drink, so I found a place to sit and people watch.

I then got a phone call. A guy needed to change the van. I knew there was a chance this was going to happen., but the agreement I had with Avis was they would call me first. The poor guy was at the hotel, and I and the van were not.

Team shot Storms Pakhus, aka Odense Streetfood I told him where to meet me, and half an hour later he arrived not in another van, but a seven seater car, but two of the seats were squeezed in the back. It was no substitute.

Storms Pakhus, aka Odense Streetfood I was livid.

After some discussions, we found we could make it work, but not really very good. Anyway, by that time the event was over, and we got in the new car and drove across the city to a street food place. Its always street food.

Storms Pakhus, aka Odense Streetfood We found a place to sit, then we took it in turns to find something to eat and drink, meet back up. I had a cheesy burger, which was pretty good, but the Indian guys had lots of Indian food, pigging out on familiar food. In fairness a couple of them have been in Europe for a couple of weeks, and needed a taste of home.

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