Friday, 26 April 2024

Wednesday 24th April2024

The weeks and months slip by.

Its nearly the end of April, and there is much I could be doing, instead of work.

But work pays the bills. We probably could stop now, if we wanted, or needed to, but for the time being, we press on.

The wind is still set in the north, taking the edge of the afternoon temperatures and leading to slight frosts at night. On Tuesday night, the full moon hung from a blue-black sky as we went to bed.

I have mastered the art of going back to sleep. I woke at five fifteen when Jools got up, went to the bathroom, then went back to bed for another 45 minutes kip, where I was on holiday in that Blackpool, apparently.

The garden and lawnmeadow is about to explode with colour, but for now it is anticipation.

I have been putting out fat balls on the ground for the blackbirds, but the two neighbourhood Herring Gulls spotted them yesterday, and came to carry one off. There are huge birds, and aggressive. Also large are the occasional Raven we have come in to the garden too now. We just need the reintroduced Chuff to make it and we'll have the full corvid set.

One hundred and fifteen Again, with my knee acting up, its hard to get a shot of the day, no butterflies seen in the garden for two weeks since a fleeting glimpse of a female Orange Tip.

Work was meetings.

And phone calls all along the lines of: "you'll never guess what's gone wrong now?"

And so on.

It is cold and cloudy when I finish work at four, of just gone, so no walking again for me. Instead I listen to a podcast and then prepare dinner of fritters, made this time with honey, sultanas and smoked paprika. Which gave them a kick.

And then onto the Merseyside derby, a match when the red side beat the blue side twice a season. But on this occasion, Liverpool fluff their lines, miss with every shot, and Everton score twice.

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