Friday 5 April 2024

Thursday 4th April 2024

I have had an issue with my turntable for some time. As an audiophile, the sound has to be perfect, if not, I can't listen to it.

So, a couple of years back, records began to sound very poor, if not terrible, especially those with higher levels of treble. Heroes by David Bowie and Love Song by Simple Minds are just two that became unplayable.

Ninety five One of the guys who came to lay the carpet said nice things about the system and speakers, so I told him about the sound issue. He identified it as corrosion on the connectors in the input on the amp, which seemed logical.

So I bought some contact cleaner, and although its not perfect, much better than it was.

So, I can play records again!

That apart, Thursday was another normal day, with work, work and yet more work to be done.

Jools slept through her alarm, and I woke up just after six, meaning Jools only just had enough time for coffee, a shower and getting dressed before leaving.

I got up, made coffee and fed the cats, the change probably the cause of confusion among the cats and only two of them demanding to be fed.

Other than work I had just the delayed delivery from the previous day to wait in for.

Would it arrive?

Another day of winds and showers, meaning that that with work meant I did not stray far from the dining room table.

So got on with work.

I know my cans can be repetitive: trust me I know, I actually live them, filling them with I don't know what, but taking all day to get it done.

Anyway. I finish at three, make a brew and sit down to watch Mary Beard on telly talking about Rome. Which I sleep through most of, though Scully is happy with the company and a warm body to snuggle up to.

I make fritters for dinner, which don't take long, I add some leftover chorizo which comes out as yet another triumph.

The deivery arrives at five to seven. The poor driver still had half a van of parcels to drop off, and he explained he didn't come the day before as he got stuck in a field turning round and had to wait for a farmer to pull him out. Poor guy, I thanked him and gave hmim a fiver tip.

And that brought me to another evening listening to football on the radio: Liverpool winning 3-1 against Sheffield Utd, and then Man Utd being the first team in PL history to be leading on 99 minutes and yet still lose. 4-3.

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