Thursday 19 September 2013

Thursday 19th September 2013 (part 2)

Wow, that went on a bit: I hope you enjoy that. I think my account captures the mood of the day, but it seemed to appear to those there like a gliding swan, but what they didn't see was us running around like crazy things getting the ice for the drinks.


It would have been easy to take the car yesterday and drive round kent looking for churches to get into and snap. But, I chose to stay home and get some chores done. And in truth I felt like crap. For some unknown reason my allergies have gone crazy since the end of August, and although some days its not been too bad, since Monday its been really bad to be honest. Knowing I'm allergic to housedust, maybe vacuuming wasn't the best of ideas on Tuesday. I took enough drugs and whisky which enabled me to sleep, but much else during the day than just breathing was an achievement.

Common Blue  Polyommatus icarus

I went for a walk in the morning, but going further than the glade was out as a few days of rain meant that the dip was clogged with mud at the top, so it would have been a mire at the bottom. In the glade there were a few butterflies about: I snapped three Common Blues and a couple of Speckled Woods and was happy with that. The sun shone brightly, and there was some real warmth in it, which meant i had to carry the coat I had worn since leaving the house.

Speckled Wood  Pararge aegeria

Back home I listened to the radcliffe and Maconie show on the iplayer, then as the sun was still shining, and I was sneezing and sniffling like I was about to keel over, I spent the afternoon in the back garden.

Yay, outdoors!

I even did something productive and mowed the lawn, and even resisted the temptation to 'reward' myself with a bottle of Crafty Old Hen; instead I sat down with a cuppa and read some train porn.


And finally, in more looking back, we have had the kitten (although they are no longer kitten of course) for three years now, and in commemoration I took some portraits yesterday. Hope you like them!


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