Did I mention that Saturday was sunny and warm? Well it was. And Sunday was to be even sunnier although a breeze was to strengthen, thus meaning it would be feeling cooler.
After an early morning coffee, we girded our loins and agreed that it was high time we got back into the fitness thing so we both did a session on the cross-trainer. What with travel and the lung infection/flu/allergic reactions I had in February meant I could not exercise, and then I said to myself ‘oh, I’ll start tomorrow’. And as the Beatles sang, tomorrow never came. Or comes. The net result was that day on day I could feel my waistline expanding, to the point where I got back to the point where the last round of exercise began.
Sigh. So, on with the trainers, plug the headphones into my ears, selected a mix of ‘chunes’ and away we went. First session I did 20 minutes, and then two more minutes as I promised myself that I would go onto the end of the song playing at 20 minutes, and as that track was ‘Face Up’ I decided to keep this promise.
To ruin this good start to the day, I then cooked bacon butties and made a huge cuppa. Perfick.
And then back on the healthy stuff, what with it being such a wonderful day, we decided to head out for a walk, and it was my idea that would should try to walk to the Dover Patrol. And back!
Da da da!!!!
We put our best walking boots on. Or we put on our only walking boots and set off.
It was a last minute thing for me to put my fleece on, and I am glad I did as the breeze was indeed keen and cool. But on the way to the pig’s copse we saw a couple of butterflies, a comma and a small tortoiseshell, although I did not get a shot, but it really does feel that the tear is getting on with such clear signs of spring.

Once we got past Fleet House, we turned down the path towards the dip, which at first seemed too muddy for walking, but the ground soon seemed to dry out, and we were able to continue. The countryside is beginning to wake up, and everywhere there are signs of growth. The occasional butterfly or other insect flew by. It was hard-ish going, heading up the other side of the dip, and then up across the fields towards the cliffs.

Once at the cliffs we went into Bluebirds for a cuppa and a bar of chocolate. We sat on a picnic bench outside and looked at the people who had driven there instead of us who had gone back in time and walked. Anyway, we were not that smug about it. So we walked to the edge of the cliff to look at the beach. Or what counts as the beach at the base of the cliffs. Which is mostly chalk blocks that have fallen from the cliffs in years past.

We turned rou nd and headed back the same way to home. And as it is mostly downhill, it was easy going, and soon enough we were climbling the slope back up to our lane, then along and home. Time for more tea.

I baked some cakes for a lunchtime snack, then we sat in the back garden to eat them and enjoy the sunshine, but the breeze was stronger and so we headed inside so I could look at the shots I had taken and to listen to the football on the radio.

In this was the day passed: Citeh were beaten in the cup by Wigan. Again. I cooked steak and ale pie for dinner. And so the weekend was over once again. I sat on the sofa, half watching the TV as three badgers came into the garden for supper. Not a bad end to the weekend….

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