Work from home. Stay in bed until half six, make coffee. Get computer out, power it up, log on. And outlook fails to work. Reboot computer. And it partially works, program itself says it is not connected to internet and requires connection and password, and yet mails can be sent and received. This continues until just after lunch when I lose all connectivity with the e mail server. So I call IT. Spend an hour waiting for an operative. Then they say nothing can be done. I can use webmail, but that has none of my contacts stored, so I have to manually input addresses. I soon lose the will to live and at three switch the computer off and hit the sauce.
Well, I don’t. Jools comes backs from town, we have a coffee and then I head up to the spare room for another session on the cross-trainer. I am glad to say that my endurance has picked up quickly and am back up to half an hour and noticeably less out of breath at the end of the session.
My friend Gary had dropped his Sigma 105 f2.8 macro lens round the house, for me to try in preparation for me to buy yet more glass. The 6D really is great for macro, and like in other situations picks up detail and tones the 50 just can’t. So I go into the garden to snap some of the spring plants and et great results that don’t even need processing. Good work.

The night is spent very much old school, listening to the European football on the radio, whilst outside the badgers take their fill of free peanuts.
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