Thursday 14 December 2017

Amendment 9; the aftermath

I really, really did not think I would be still writing about Brexit 18 months after the referendum. I thought Brexit would not happen because, well, its a bat shit idea, and no sane country could go this made for so long, would have to wake up after the mother of all hangovers, thinking, what did we get up to last night. Take a look at the newspapers and see where we are, and just call Mr Junker, and ask, please ignore that letter.

I write about this because I love my country. I really do, and I am pretty darn sure that Brexit will make the country weaker, poorer, more inward looking, and those that are left will turn on each other. Oddly, Brexiteers like to say they love their country do, and try to prove it by stifling debate, discourse and calling non-believers saboteurs. Or worse. That all most of us want is a little scrutiny, some oversight as to what Maybot 2000 is doing as PM and her merry band of Brexiteers. Those self-same Brexiteers also claimed Brexit was needed to return sovereignty to Parliament, and yet when Parliament vote to return some sovereignty to itself, they all say it is defying the will of the people.

It is possible they will say the people wanting a second referendum is also defying the will of themselves, as it will threaten their beautiful Brexit. I mean, what can they be afraid of? The front page of the Mail today was as horrible as you would expect, calling the 11 Tory MPs who voted against the Government as malcontents and that they should be deselected by their local parties. Is this what it has come to, something akin to the Communist Party COngress where delegates go to rubberstamp what the Brexit Politburo says?

I am more convinced than ever that the referendum was cover for a power grab by the COnservative Party; come up with a vague question, then once won fill in the blanks and say Brexit means whatever you say it means. On the ballot there was nothing about leaving the SM, CU, Euratom, Open Skies, etc, etc, but that is what we are getting, and told it was the people's will. Maybot even said yesterday the people voted to leave the SM. They did not, they voted to leave the EU in an advisory referendum. And that is it, no one voted for the hard Brexit or no deal Brexit DD, Johnson et al seem to want, apparently sabotaging May's deal before 24 hours have passed, and even then that not criminal enough for DD to get sacked.

Maybe things will be quiet over Christmas on the Brexit front, and we can go back to just talking about cats, orchids and churches. But I think this is going to rumble on and on. And how will it end? As I said before, there are those mad enough to push for a no deal, not knowing, or caring, what tat would mean to the country or its people and businesses.

How did we get here, and how do we get out? Not sure if we can.......

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