Monday 11 December 2017

The Keystone Brexiteers

I really thought that after May had come to an agreement with the EU on Friday, that the Brexit madness would be paused for the Festive period.

What a fool I was.

The basic problem is your basic Mk1 Brexiteer is that they are stupid. I mean as dumb as fuck stupid, not realising that when they speak or appear in a newspaper, lying, or telling untruths, that no one in the EU would be able to see/or read their words. I mean you could not make up this shit.

Take DD's assertion yesterday that the agreement wan't legally enforceable. True to a point, only if it is seen that Britain, the UK, after coming to the end of negotiations cannot be relied on the adhere to an agreed text, not even that lasting the weekend, what hope is there for the rest of the world to trust anything DD or any other Government official might say in trade negotiations, as it might be contradicted next week. Or tomorrow.

This is mindblowingly dumbfuck stuff, thick as pigshit stuff, mistakes we might expect from Boris de Piffel Johnson, maybe Gove, but DD, the Minister for the Exiting the EU Department? Jesus, I mean this bloke really is a cockwomble, and mine and your and your children's future prosperity is dependant on he being able to negotiate 60 trade deals with countries around the world? No, I just realised that task is being the responsibility of Liam Fox; I mean, as a country we are screwed.

And today, DD had to issue a clarification on his statement, but bear in mind that there is no official confirmation from the EU that sufficient progress has been made, that will only come on Thursday or Friday. It is possible they could change their mind and say no. He also said that if Britain doesn't get a trade deal, then we won't pay the financial settlement. Once again let me point this out, that money is not for the deal, but in lieu of financial commitments we have already made as a member of the EU, even threatening this is dangerous.

We have the situation where the Chancellor says the settlement has to be paid, and DD says don't have to pay it. As previously stated, the EU has been united for over 18 months since the referendum result, the Cabinet did not last over the weekend.

Predictable and pathetic.

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