Tuesday 2 January 2018


Today was DD's 70th birthday. Happy birthday.

And today he also had an article published in the Torygraph, where else, in which he tried to poke a finger at Michael Barnier warning that the EU could not cherry pick deals with the UK. Apparently forgetting all about WTO rules and that financial services could only be part of any deal if UK remained in the SM.

One would have hoped that after 19 months of negotiations with the EU that he would have understood something regarding international trade, WTO rules and the EU's four freedoms.

May also seems to still be hoping that financial services can somehow be spit apart. But the four freedoms and keeping them are central to the EU and their SM. and to break with that would open the floodgates of other countries wanting to pick and choose what they want and don't want. So, there will be no chance of cherry picking. No chance at all, but in perpetuating the thought in the media and with the electorate it can be is more than misleading, it is reckless, but then it will be them who will to explain when what they promised is not what is dished up.

But how's this for what is in store of May and DD:

Phase 1 catches up with May in 4 weeks when the Council's legal agreement is published. It will reveal that regulatory alignment means de facto membership of the single market and customs union. For the whole UK. Not just NI. Ouch.

And BINO means Brexit In Name Only. Which is what all this means, and with May's impossible red lines. Oh well, I'm sure everyone will just accept it and not complain.......

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