Thursday 11 January 2018

Midweek Brexit update

Thankfully, not much to report on so far this year, just the continuation of last year’s confusion and mistakes. Jeremy Corbyn still thinks you have to be in the EU to be a member of the SM and/or CU despite Norway being so, and no matter how many times this mistake is pointed out, he continues to make it, making a mockery of his claim of a Brexit for jobs. He also failed to turn up to a joint working party meeting which was set up to keep the UK in the SM, his empty chair damning how misplaced voter’s faith in his was at the last election.

The fallout from DD’s letter to the PM on the unfairness of the EU preparing for what he and May said they would do rumbles on. The EU will always be what the UK isn’t in Brexit, better prepared and with all the answers, knowing just what to do to ramp up the pressure on May and DD.

Brexit means Brexit after all.

The latest industry to find out it will suffer is the mineral water one, which will also lose access to the EU because of Brexit.

A group of Brexiteers presented M. Barnier with a basket of British goods and copies of Shakespeare’s plays in order to prove beyond doubt that how great this country is should not be underestimated. I see that PG Tips was in the basket, from India of Sri Lanka, no? Maybe this is the Brexit thing done, with Barnier now receiving Marmite, Gin, English Sparking wine and a book on the Greatest Britons. Europe must think we are mad, which it seems we are.

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