Tuesday 16 January 2018

Monday 15th January 2018

Said to be the saddest, most miserable day of the year. aka Blue Monday.

The weather came out in sympathy, with heavy cloud at dawn, which soon produced the best part of nine hours of heavy rain, with clouds so thick it barely got fully light, at least until just before dusk whrn the clouds cleared and the wind dropped. But by then the day was lost, even if it was a working day.

Jools was up and about before me, I snoozed on, Scully was fed and came back to bed, waking me up as she jumped onto my legs hoping for some more snoozing time. I had to get up, it being a school day and all that. Jools even made me a coffee, so once downstairs I could take myself to the sofa to watch the highlights of the Liverpool v Citeh game, and it was as wonderful as it sounded on the radio the day before.. And following that, the Arsenal game was just as funny, especially as Arsene tried to explain it all. Badly.

Fifteen Anyway, with the rain hammering down outside, I have breakfast and start work, with an hour's meeting to start, and then another. Oh well.

The cats are whiney, not wanting to go out. Only Mulder does a couple of times, comes back soaked both times, only to shake himslef off on me. Cheers pal. And then he wants feeding.

There is lunch, coffee, tea and more coffee.

Once I have done with work, I put on my trainers and go to do a session on the cross trainer, not really enjoying it, but getting it done and doing the whole half hour, huffing and puffing along with the music. I have a shower and am ready for a quiet evening, all I have to do is make inslata for dinner, meaning it is going to be simple.

At dusk the rain stopped and clouds cleared, the sky turning inigo blue as the sun set.

Monday is the new night for Only Connect, which Jools and I watch together after The Sky at nIght, getting our dose of dark matter news.

And that was your day, wet, windy and work.

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