Tuesday 16 January 2018

Tuesday Brexit

I think its fair to say, that with each passing day not only will the clamour around Brexit get louder and more shrill, but as things are discussed between the EU and the UK, the actuality of what is agreed will be narrowed down to remove any doubt of what has been agreed to.

The next major issue facing May and DD is that what was agreed between the EU and UK has to be formalised by the UK, so what is meant by regulatory divergence or regulatory alignment will be pinned down. As the wiggle room gets less and less, May and her brave team of Brexiteers will be in a brexit bubble that gets smaller and smaller as reality closes in. Make no mistake, if UK tries to roll back on what was agreed, then the whole agreement will come crashing down and leave Britain with the only alternatives; a no deal or no Brexit.

Liam Fox is travelling the world finding out that other countries want things in return. And that there are no deal in place, no framework agreements, maybe a letter of intent, but that's all. So bad is it that the UK might ask the EU for permission to replicate its free trade agreements with countries around the world for as long as the transition period is. If not, UK will have 15 months get get 60 of them agreed, although nothing can be signed until after 29th March next year.

The EU has said that EU citizen's rights in the UK must be extended for the length of any transition deal, not end, as the UK wants, on 29th March next year. Britain will have to agree to this, or no extension.

In other news, Norway has said if the UK gets preferential deal to the one it has, it will insist that its own one is renegotiated. This is to be expected of course, and probably falls under WTO most preferred nation status, but I'm sure DD will be surprised.

It was revealed today that farmers in Jersey are having trouble in recruiting staff to plant the seed potatoes that will grow into our spring cropped Jersey Royals. Almost like project fear is project reality. And finally, despite the figure written on the side of a big red bus being proven to be false, today, Boris de Piffel Johnson stated that the £350 million figure was £462 million. As the previous figure had been challenged by the UK Statistics Agency, Keir Starmer has asked them to look into this further inflated figure by this inflated figure.

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