Tuesday 28 September 2021


Hardly anyone is talking about COVID any more.

The daily data from the Gvernment on infections, hospitalisations and deaths are barely worth a mention, and if it is, its the last item on the bulletin.

To put it in perspective, this is the data from the last 7 days:

244,164 new infections

5,242 hospitalised

920 deaths.

Its like this is normal.

In London over the weekend, most on the train wore masks, we did, one young guy in the seats opposite on the phone the whole journey with no mask. On the ship we were mostly outside so didn't wear masks, but inside, eating, there was no spacing, so that is a worry.

Most again worse masks on the tube back to St Pancras, and on the train back to Kent too, but this seems to be the exception, with compliance certainly less than 50%. Watching football matches, those wearing masks are outnumbered at least 100:1 by those unmasked and singing and hugging.

As a country, we have just about given up.

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