Wednesday 15 September 2021

Don't be dense like George

It is five and a quarter years since the UK voted to leave the EU.

The UK has since left the EU, but for some, they quite don't get it.

Take George Freemen, an MP, probably Tory, and dense as they come. Lest night on Newsnight he said:

"The UK is acting very fairly and continuing with free trade it's Europe that is being very aggressive and immediately imposed all these extra checks- not us."

I'll make this somple for George, so maybe even he can understand.

1. The UK left the EU because it didn't want to be subject to the EU rules and regulation.

2. The UK decided leaving meant leaving the SM and CU as well.

3. Leaving the SM and CU meant, under WTO rules, being treated as a "third country".

4. Once the UK left the EU and exited the transition period, the EU, under WTO rules, began to treat the UK like all other third countries, which it has to do under the WTO's "most favoured nation" regulations.

5. There is no 5.

That is it, the UK wants the EU to treat the UK differently from all other third countries because.... It's unfair?

I mean, that I am writing this after so long is amazing, and that people like George can go on TV and demonstrate that they don't understand the basics of international trade, and it was people like George who convince the UK population that these was no downside to Brexit, so people believed him. Maybe he even believes it himself. Who knows?

But this is where we are, Brexit has happened, there is no going back, we either learn to live with it, or we start a trade war.

All the EU wants the UK to do is live up to what we agreed and international treaty on. The EU prepared, they built lorry parks, places to check lorries and consignemtns to comply with whatever rules the UK wanted, but as of yet, and not into the new year at least, there are no regulations for the EU to enforce on goods leaving the EU to come to Britain, but they were ready for checks coming the other way, even through tey did not want Brexit, they knew what had to be done, and did it.

Brexiteers; thick as pig shit and twice as putrid.

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