Thursday 30 September 2021

The Brexit-hating global elite is watching Britain's chaos with glee

So says an opion piece in the Daily Torygraph, whose two owners live in a castle on a small island off the coast of the small Channel Island Sark. Like the owners of most of our daily newspapers, they don't pay any UK tax.

These self proclaimed non-elites pushed Brexit endlessly, pushing the lie that immigrants were coming to steal our homes, jobs, lives and country.

It is the same non-elites, who at the same time, said Brexit would be a revolution, and would change nothing.

Both can't be true.

And indeed were not.

Allister Heath goes on: "intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded us with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us..."

No plans against Brexit were needed, as the Brexiteers themselves had ensured the Brexit they puched would fail as they made no plans.

Like life after the invasion of Iraq, beyond shock and awe, there was nothing. Just bucket loads of cash to grease the wheels. And corruption on a grand scale.

No one is enying Britain, the world is laughing at us, but like a banana republic, our own media doesn't report that. No other country in Europe has food shortages, queues at petrol stations, even though in some cases their labour shortages are worse, because labour can work either side of a border, and deliveries are flexible due to cabotage, trucks can go from delivery to collection to delivery to collection meaning stuff gets delivered.

Only in the UK is this now impossible for EU drivers, those that do come, return home with empty trucks to escape Brexit Plague Island as quick as possible.

The only gless is from EU companies and countries taking business from UK companies, and our companies and institutions are relocating to be able to keep trading in the Eurozone.

Reality and Brexit now share the same universe, there is only truth and blame.

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