Friday 10 September 2021

Thursday 9th September 2021

What turned out to be a crap day.

Although, OK in the end.

You'll see.

It is now barely getting light by the time we get up sometime between five and half past, so when your stupid brain wakes you up at nearly four and then won't let you back to sleep, you can be sure it was dark outside.

In fact we were both up before five, me drinking coffee at ten past and Jools left for work at quarter to six.

I had a shower, got dressed and still felt like crap.

I logged onto work to find I have my quarterly assessment from my boss, so I go to the HR page and update my targets and add some new activities so it looks like I'm in control, I even could close one activity.

I had breakfast then was ready for the meeting, in which I told the truth, he understood and laid down the fact how important the team and our experience is, and we can make a difference. He believes it, and although I have my doubts, I accept that he believes it at least, time will tell. But the message was clear, I am important and more so than ever.

Two hundred and fifty two HELP!

I then start to write a report to close out another activity, that is going well as I work away.

I have lunch, which is when things go from bad to worse. A full stomach makes me sleepy, more sleepy than I have felt for ages, and that began to trigger an migraine. I saw the spots in my vision, and I knew I had to turn the computer off.

So, I did, and went to bed, Poppy joined me, though she was hungry, she was also happy to just stay with me as I nursed my headache.

I guess I slept for over an hour, maybe two, waking up at sometime near four. My head felt it was full of cotton wool. I had a coffee and thought about dinner, so armed with a sharp knife, I trim chicken and veggies for a stir fry, and combine those with noodles in soy sauce to present to Jools when she arrived home with a very coulourful plate.

We eat, we clear up. Have coffee and choclate.

We were both pooped.

Jools sat in the garden to meditate, when she came in at twenty past eight, it was almost dark, and we were so very tired.

Tomorrow is another day.

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