Monday 13 September 2021

Gout update

Well, here we are in September, and when this all kicked off in the wee small hours of April 1st, and after ready variius websites, I thought that it would be September when it would settle down.

And so, that is the way it has turned out.

There have been some bumps and mistakes, but for the most part now, when we go out we take some water or juice, I take my meds as I am supposed to do, and I have been very careful about beer, wine, red meat and other stuff.

Oily fish was easy to avoid, wine and beer less so.

But, as April progressed, and my left foot swelled so much I could barely get a slipper on, certainly no shoe, I realised I would rather go out and not drink than drink and be housebound. We all have our moments of clarity, and that was mine.

Orchid season was fast approaching, and there were downs, woods, meadows and dunes to expore, I would not miss those.

I drank squash, water, tea, coffee almost anything except booze. I felt better, my blood pressure improved, I no longer snoozed in front of the TV when the footy was on, I felt healthier. Though, I did not lose much weight I think, though people said I looked better. Certainly as the summer progressed I climbed the downs better and better.

So, over the last month or so, once a week at Jen's I have been having a glass or two of "wine shandy", half red wine half soda, with no side effects, and this weekend had the same at home over Saturday and Sunday, again with no ill effects.

I guess I'm a away from "beating" it, if you ever can, but I feel as good as I have, and am about to go out for another butterfly hunt.

No booze today, though, even with chorizo hash!

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