Thursday 30 September 2021

Wednesday 29th September 2021

The day without internet.

Da da daaaaaa.

Sort of.

I came down the stairs and saw something out of the corner of my eye, the power button of the internet hub flashing.

Two hundred and seventy two I tried to reset it.

And again.

And again.

My laptop told me there was no internet.

No Flickr.

No Faceache.

No Twitter.



I searched Google on my phone and found the flashing orange light meant the hub was in "safe" mode and had suffered a possible software failure.

Download a reboot program it suggested, whilst I shouted back I have no frikkin internet.

Jools left for work and said something about setting a mobile as a hub or wifi hotspot or something.

That'll be difficult, I thought.

So I rang Sky, used their automated systems to check the line and box and they agreed it was not working. Good that it's not ust me, then.

I arranged an engineers appointment for Tuesday, and pondered whether I could really not work for four days.

I couldn't really.

So I looked at my mobile, looked at the settings, turned on the personal wifi hotspot, it generated a password, I switched on my home laptop, connected to the phone, entered the password and the internet came, if not pouring, trickling back.

Use your loaf Perfect.

Some four hours had passed. I had lunch.

And tried the same thing with my work laptop.

It worked.

And then not.

THen worked.

And then not.

No matter what I did, I lost connection within seconds, and after another hour or so had passed, in order to stop me from throwing the bloody laptop out of the window, I switched it off.

The Olive Garden I find something to distract myself, three WIYE birthday podcasts, drink tea, eat toast and the day passes.

I should go for a walk, but talk myself out of it. Instead do some writing, listen to the new PSB album and the afternoon passes.

Dinner is crispbakes, curried rice, fresh corn and sweet chilli vegetables, all ready for when Jools got home at six.

No wine.

Already it was getting dark, so we washed up, made coffee and listened to radio until I watched the Fulham v Swansea game via my phone hub, and it even handled the audio of the Man Utd game on Radio 5 too.


Apparently it makes phone calls, takes photographs, plays music, counts my steps and millions of other things too.

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