Monday 27 September 2021

Two years on

Mum has been gone for two years now.

That the time has slipped by so quickly, our life has settled down, mortgage paid and the rest of the estate wound up with little or no fuss, is quite amazing.

So much else has happened in the last two years, I look on 2019 as some kind of nirvana, which in some ways it was.

I no longer have to travel to Suffolk on a regular basis, moan about how bad she looked and was in ignorance of her situation. Her body sorted it out in the end.

Life goes on, as it did when Tony passed, when John's wife passed, when Meg passed, when Nan passed. THey exist only in our memories, faces in faded photographs, their vices fading in our memory.

Dad has been gone a quarter of a century, I no longer remember what his voice was like, no recordings were made, just a few photogrpahs, and half my genes.

Life goes on, we endure.

And then we don't.

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